The Agency for Audiovisual Media Services (AMU) is an independent AVM services regulatory body with public authorities acting pursuant to the Audiovisual Media Services Law.
As an autonomous legal entity, it is functionally independent from any state authority, and any legal and natural persons engaging in production and broadcasting of radio and TV programmes, or provision of other AVM services.
The Agency is founded by the state, and the rights of the founder are exercised by the Agency Council in accordance with the law.
Within the scope of its competences, The Agency:
- proposes the AVM services Development Programme;
- in cooperation with the regulatory body responsible for electronic communications, drafts background paper for developing a plan for the use of the radio-frequency band, in the section designated for terrestrial broadcasting;
- approves draft radio frequency allocation plan, as regards terrestrial broadcasting;
- gives opinion to the regulatory body for electronic communication on the need to designate an operator with significant market power if the analysis determines that relevant electronic communication services market, which constitutes grounds for provision of and/or access to the AVM services, is not competitive enough;
- issues licences for provision of AVM services (broadcasting licence and on-demand AVM services provision licence);
- determines the fee amount for issuance and use of AVM service provision licence;
- keeps a register of AVM service providers and electronic publications;
- decides as per complaints of natural and legal persons regarding the operation of AVM service providers;
- oversees the Law implementation;
- adopts and implements secondary legislation accompanying this Law;
- performs other tasks, as per the Law and the AMU Articles of Association.
The Agency has the following bodies:
- Agency Council and
- Agency director.